Sunday, June 26, 2005
My Sassy Girl is one of the biggest box-office hits in Korean film history, and after watching it, I can see why. The premise is fairly simple, but the execution and direction are spot-on, creating a truly funny and moving romantic comedy. Gyun-woo (Cha Tae-hyun) is a college student who bumps into a drunken girl (Jeon Ji-hyun) one night at a subway station. You see, this is no random coincidence; they are meant for each other, even though they both don't know it yet. One situation lead to another, and Gyun steadily finds himself the target of this girl, who has taken a wild fascination in him. Even when at times he tries to forget her and move on, fate intervenes and end up placing them together. Even though the girl is very pretty, she has a tenacious personality, one that shocks and repels Gyun. Often, she would have her way with him (eg. Shoving him into a pond, forcing him to wear her high-heels, demand that he bring a rose for her during class, always have him order coffee at a café, and letting her hit him whenever she likes), but Gyun always put up with her antics because he has fallen in love with her. The problem is that she is harbouring her own secret - her previous boyfriend had died and her heart is still broken. Gyun is a means of an escape, but can he truly replace her lost love? This is a question that she is plagued with, and the only obstacle that is in the way of her and Gyun's love. As the film runs its course, you understand more about Gyun, yet not a lot is revealed about the girl, and this whole mystery about the 'sassy' girl means that you are enticed into wanting to know more about the outcome of their relationship. Both of the lead actors are simply brilliant, from the sharp and forceful 'sassy' girl, to the submissive and 'modest' boy, they each have that on-screen chemistry to forge the energy needed to make this film work. The situations in the film are not over-done and many are quite normal if you analyse the on-goings of real-life young couples, even though I have yet to see a man wear high-heels in public. Of course, some of these scenarios were created to be highly funny, to show the extraordinary relationship they have, and each of these bizarre situations are balanced with some truly touching moments from the couple. Though My Sassy Girl is littered with bright moments, there are occasional lapses in concentration, especially the situation with the rogue soldier, and the near-ending is a bit of a drag, although most of the film's unanswered questions are given here, and by the very end, you'll understand why these two were meant for each other. maybe i really made the wrong choice of not going china with my parents? i mean the lastime they also went when i was sec1, i remember then i was down with dengue fever and it was the 4th day of my admission and that night my parents are going to newzeland. then i was still in changi general hospital with only 40+ platelets i thinkk. if below 30 must blood transfusion. my mum was thinking of canceling her trip but i told her to go with it ba.. but that time i had dengue is look like no dengue la. still so energetic watching tv and using fone whole day x= the worse part was my internet went down when i went home on the 5th day. well. couldnt go for guides cause was pretty weak thenn. so i was at home for 14 days and i barely did homework cause i had totally no mood. i duno why im feeling this way now. maybe all my friends are in camp i guess. now the worse thing. i think i have fever. damn. i had sore throat just yesterday and today now i have fever. i don rmb eating anithing too not supposed to be eatenn. wellx. today was civil defence course. reached kembangan at 6am. my mum offered to fetch me there. i wanted to go with my bros. but dey were gg the bus way. well. so reach dere den slowly sit to boonlayy. den later gort confused over which bus den < *i like to move it move it, you like to move it move it, we like to.. MOVE IT!* yea. its from madagasca. hope i got that spelling right either. seriously i think im down with fever. i don dare to tell my mum. maybe later. x= recover please- tmr is my medical appointment. and my mum is not free. am i gonna carry like feel hundred dollar cash with me. ohman. rob me. please pray i don have to take injection. say im scared blah blah blah. i have a phobia of it after the dengue case. i hate fever. please. recover tomorrow. *shivers* ^ta just maybe 12 hours ago i just woke up.. went airport.. two weeks lehh. haish.. day one is not even over. guess i shouldnt think too much about it den very fast will past byy. gonna be so busyy for the next few dayys. next 2 weeks i guess. i hope i can finish at least half of my homework by this week. which left with only tomorrow.. wellx. really hope i can have the determination to do so? sometimes its kinda hardd. yea its kinda funny. the holidays we waited and enticipated for so long since the exams have come and i dont seem to feel anythingg. maybe something's missing it is not like the holiday i wanna have.. or wad i wish i hadd. last year dec was one of the most fun hols x) i wann go malaysia!! shopping ^^ but where gort time siaa. my dad ask me go findd. den can find den maybe can go. lalala~ why this time got so many homework. dunno i dumb or wad la. i totally donno how to do a maths. but also cant blame myself la. i only read little bit den get pissed off. den the volume thingg for e maths also blur diaoo. why i don understand! tuition learning trigo. wad cosine rule bla blah blah. it goes in and comes out of my head each time la. why has it resulted in thiss. spray paint stinks but it looks damn nice la.. can't wait to see wad it will look like when fully decorated.. hopefully it will be perfectly alright okayy. so wad do i have to sayy. i dunno. yea im sick. bad flu and bad cough and bad ulcer plus bad throat. dont fall sick!! *tells myself* i duno wad i should do now but i know im off. ta^ `h0neystars duno why but have been deeling sick since yesterdayy night. i watch 2 love movies from channel 62.. the first one was abt this guyy who like this girl den the girl is damnit chio la her name is white snow snow (bai xue xue). den he go woo the girl for quite some time and everyone in the company is like helping him la. den the boss came. the boss like the white snow snow and made her his personal secretary. den the guy was paired up with this girl whom he and his clique don like la. they need to hand up proposal for some shampoo stuffs. so they started working together. so den chemistry struck la. its like the girl said she long time never sit roller coaster liaox so the guyy went to made this cool thing in the office la. den dey had so much fun together. den she said dat his good points was he knows how to make people happy and will try his best to fufil one wishes. even though they werent on good terms in the past? wellx. den soon they fall in love and happily ever after. i mean aint it sweet when someone really does everything or anything to make u smile for once or just purely happy. sometimes a smile on a face can be deceived but sometimes a smile can means alot. its more the feeling den count not wad u see sometimes. maybe its everytime? somehow i think nobody can really understand wad the chemistry means and how it is form but it's just something that will happen. really, there's no explanation and u will not know when it comes. the second movie is about lies and its quite funny but somehow im lazy to write about it? 12 more dayss. well. i think i will fail wad i wrote yesterday. i wont be able to finish half of my hw. i havent even done with the logbook and proposal. later must pia le.. wellx. why is everyone away.. i was supposed to be in church camp! whyy. haish. i shall go next year. lol. somehow i wonder wads pretendance. and why people do it? dunno why it just struck my mind. is dere a really need for this these days? somehow i hate it but? dont really understand la. ta^ `h0neystars 歌手:王力宏 专辑:心中的日月 o~~~ 爱你, 爱我 forever love forever love 爱情, how how. i havent really started homework. can someone tell me wad to do for SS? i think i lost the paper. shyt. i think i lost chem too! eeey. *jump down* BUBBLE TEA!! my MOTIVATION! our MOTIVATION! lolx. i shall change my motivation to.. M&Ms. *fine fine* disappointed i knoww. well!! lalala~ well. sometimes i wonder is it right to lie when u knew that if u lie, someone would feel better. so is there such thing as a correct lie or a lie deserved to be lied. yepp and sorry if i made u felt that way i mean sometimes people do to stuffs unintentionally and hope u still belive in me.. really duno how to explain certain things sometimes. it just comes and go and sometimes it just slips out without any intention. i know that words cannot be taken back so dere's nth much i can do but to help u feel better aboutt it. I WAN THOSE PEOPLE OVERSEAS BACK! I AM BORED! THOSE PEOPLE WHO JUST COME BACK FROM CAMP WAKE UP!! entertain me- im gg crazy. TA^ `h0neystars The last Kiss Tomorrow at this moment You are always gonna be my love Motionless time Tomorrow at this moment You will always be inside my heart -- Ashita no imagoro niwa You are always gonna be my love Tachidomaru jikan ga Ashita no imagoro niwa You will always be inside my heart You are always gonna be my love yeah... Now and Forever -- duno why suddenly found this song very nice.. seriously sometimes i come to think about it. yea. why make promises? and so promises are meant to be forever. and so who can ever keep the word forever true and so why make promises. somehow i wonder if i actually accidentally promised someone in the past and have broken it unknowingly. sometimes i wonder why i blame people who have broken my promises. then i ask myself, haven't i have done the same thing too? i mean i dont really feel that one really is able to keep a promise for such a long time. it only happen in dramas doesnt it? yea i watch TOO much tv. i know that. *slap slap* stop daydreaming! ya so the story is about this girl and this boi. yea den later now waiting for the ending lor. and den the story goes.. yea yea. everyone thinks they noe the ending. let me predict. either happily ever after or she dies. its always the same.. wellx. she has the disease of the heart. and anyone who is prepared to live with her must be prepared to watch her die. yea i knew its kinda hard for one to accept. i mean how would u feel if im telling u that i am gonna die next week? it's like even with friends it's already unbelievable more over the guy loved her. yea but he was willing to sacrifice and make her last few days on earth being the happiest girl of life. wait i just found this intro.. Lavender, a story of love & promises..... Yi-Xun had suffered from heart disease since her first cry. She hardly attend any sports activity in school, none of her classmates get along with her, except for a boy, Qing Chuan. Both of them were very close; even the classmates had been teasing them saying that they were in love... One day, Qing Chuan's family decided to immirate to U.S. The day before Qing Chuan leave, it was Yi-Xun's birthday. Qing Chuan brought Yi-Xun to his secret garden, a place that he had never brought anyone to before. Qing Chuan gave Yi-Xun a small bottle with a lavender in it, and promised Yi-Xun that he'll be back for her 20th birthday. As time goes by, Yi-Xun's 20th birthday was round the corner. Yi-Xun noticed a new arising star named "Leo", with familiar profile that she could possibly figured from the bottom of her childhood memories... Heard that Leo came back from U.S. and he was having an activity, "Searching for the Lavender Lover".... okay that's it.. take a look at this website 歌手:许绍洋 风 被远方向的吹来 风 伴着花谢了又开 记忆是阵阵花香 我们说好谁都不能忘 记忆是阵阵花香 一起走过从不能忘 this song rawks too. i love it from the first time i heard the song from duno where. i say it rawks okay. ta im going. late for show. so wad homework is there left? social studies, a maths and e maths [totally have no idea how to do], 2 english book reports, 1 chinese book report, chemistry [which i dont understand!], aint that all? sure it looks little but damn it gonna take quite a long time. something tells me that i should leave it all to the last week of the holidays as its quite hard to juggle certain stuffs together with homework but i really want to enjoy myself on the last week. Kbox is waiting for me.. wellx. i need motivation. lolx. bubble tea! okkay crapp. lol. i think i really addicted to the tv i mean whether im watching drama or movies from channel 62 or even cartoons, i just keep watching.. and i keep using the comp---- uLTIMATE sLACKER- okay shush. i duno much about dreams la these days all i noe that i haven been having dreams but seemingly forgetting them after i wake up. when i wake up i will remember myself telling myself that i will remember this dream when i wake up. i wanna change my blogg.
ohmann. how mucn unprepared i am for school. i havent even packed my bag or anithing. look at the time now. aniwae i jus realised i havent completed my chemistry yea. and i duno how to do 3/4 of the questions. woot. im SO good at mole like REAL. argh!
chinese = crap. english i did 1 and 1/4 of a book report. trying to do SS but i think i wont complete it yea. maths? woooah. go count the number of blanks i left. pure crapp man. i duno how to do.. c..r..a..p eeey. someone save me. argH!
im falling sick. freaking headache and my mum says im weak? xS say i never slp enough. sch start surely i can get bac all my sleep de la. maybe i shall continue my sleep at 11 campaign. lols. so i will have sufficient sleep ma. die la. my dad wants me to go to school ALL by myself. eeek! i dowanna wake up cann. spastic la. i will leave house at 6.10 cause i scared if i leave house late = bus too filled den = late for school. okay pureee bullS. wellx. that's just ME. aniwae i hope he fetched me tmr. i'll just wake up very late and tell him either u fetch me or i don go to school. wahha. evil girl x= i wont wake up late de okay. only will oversleep =x
crapp. I DOWANNA GO TO SCHOOL! -boohoo-
imagine this crazy little girl here crying cause she dowanna go to school. not that i HATE school but i HATE having lessons. SURE- i wont sleep. yea yea. entertain me before i turn absolute MAD.
well. TA. i think i really am.
`h0neystars still rawks more than kokocrunch.
Friday, June 24, 2005
wow. what a long title. i hope it will rawk xD
wooo~ yea i wore a skirt agn x= boohoo~ how much i hated wearing skirts x=
so yesterday we went shopping.. they so crazy over..
mango where gort nice.. i prefer apple okay.
okayy cut the crapp. snip snip. *scissors*
why am i suddenly so into posting images. lol. some more nort MINE leh. lalala. den we went to suntecc via citylinkk. went flash n splash. the nice nice billabong wrist thingy nort dere!! spastic i really cannot find la.. lols. its black n pink i thinkk. costs 11.90 i think. ha.
and here the story begins.. PHOTO MANIA!!
spastic shot la. me and zy x= at suntec tower TWO. den later kana chase away by security. no. he asked us in a polite manner.. *claps*
this is where we found a bench to sit xD
the spastic KFs------
fellow ixorians xD
no u dunno who is this..
nice hair sehh. ugly shirt=LIMEgreen. jkjk.
dunno who dunno how to take photo.. haish.. ixora DOMINATING la.
failed shot- spastically looking!
we taking neoprint sia.. so many shots!!
dunno WHO so guniang~
wad dis sia.. act cool only x=
double FIVE double 6 5566 xD
iXora xD
food~ desert seHH!
spastic people eating.. haish~
childish people~
macho girl..
this is wad u call ixorians spirit xD
bang bang bang bang~ who die?
bamboo tree vv nice..
da jia ting!
DONE!! okay these are only zy photos. apparently my cable is spoilted. don ask me whyy. wahh sian. take so long.. lol. i no energy type le la.. TATA!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
haa. suddenly i cant think of anything to write? wellx. im really feeling okay. thanks for everyone's concern these few days.. really appreciated it x)
well. today went to school for the reherasal. hmmz. den later go grotto do some stuffs, den.. went to jiahui house ^_^ haa. at first vv fun one lor. we playing the sims.. haa.
jaY!! haa. wanna say he's MINE but so many people gonna be so jealous!! eeey~ i wannnnn WATCH INITAL D!!
haa. though im nort into racing but im gonna love it cause there's jay x)
the sims rawks too. though cant really find a nice pic to showw. haa.
tomorrow is patrol outing and i seriously cant wait to go.. lol. though i promise myself that i will try to complete as much homework as possible by today.. yepp yepp. den tomorrow can relaxing-ly go for the outing!! x)
okayy. i jus received some picture and i dont look good in them.. x=
questions will not be entertained x)
Sunday, June 19, 2005
haa. ya slacker me again. watched another dvd last night.. my sassy girll. haa. the rose. okayy. i copied these stuffs from somewhere...
haa ya. fate x= destiny x= how dramatic. lol. but it really rawks la the film.. abit violent la the girl. lol. but pretty cool cause she can slap him anytime she wants xD
ya the rose scene again.. i still find it pretty cool on the tree.. he actually go bot the tree. or there's actually a tree in the middle of no where.. maybe i could try to bury some stuffs. maybee.
haa. im leaving. ta.
Friday, June 17, 2005
few more hours and my parents will be home.. there goes my freedom x= jus 2 weeks ago i was still enjoying my freedom. and soon it will be GONE.
everybody drink more water k.. replenish the fluid loss..
also dono wad to sayy. guess really all good things will come to the end and wad matters is that we learn to treasure themm.
guess im too tired to blog..
take care everyone.. `missing you guys lots [guides-sec4s]
spastic me typing with one hand..
blegh.. im busy.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
i open my eyes i try to see but im blinded by the white light..
so many things happen yesterday. guess it was quite a long day? hmm. was in school for guides den first had drill den later outdoor cooking. cheese macaroni rawks alright. with bacon bits xD the fire was quite successful i guess but den is quite very smoky la.. cause i think the twigs wet ma. cause drizzle abit pass few days. den later fall out. hmm. den later started on souvenir stuffs. i hope can complete in time la. in 10mins im leaving to start on it le xD den later paint banner den go for YF. think that yesterday session abit fun and funny la. but so sad cause si kai ge leaving.. wellx. think he was my sec1bK teacher. not sure. lol. den later go back paint banner.. den later go home.
got alot of things happen in the night la. my brother havent come home yet.. -missing- lol. if a person is 24 hours missing den can make police report le. hmm.
how could this happen to me, i've made a mistake, got no where to run, the nights goes on as im fading away, im sick of this life, i just wanna scream. how could this happen to me.
well. i think i'll update later. go do some important stuffs first. i plan to finish maths online work by today and at least 10 boxes la. ta^
h0neystars lovers to eat kokocrunch too? NO!
somehow i find my blog template damn nice. cause its pink. but sad is not i do one. lol. wellx-ded. so im supposed to be in bed now but due to some reasons yeaa. need to relax myself before i sleep. some people have just like doze off not even caring. okay maybe they cared. but they are tired. im tired too, but- well.
i think 3h next year can form our OWN camp group for the studen camp o6. okay okay. its cause i DID NOT go for this year one due to certain reasons yea. so dat's why im thinking so far ahead. guess its also quite a nice time to change blog cause so many things happening at the same time. okay no link- lolx.
"She tried to hold on to the butterfly, thinking that it was beautiful. However, the more she held tight, the more it struggled wanting to fly away."
sometimes only through hurt, do we realised wads missing. However when we realised wads missing, it's too late already cause some things which are lost can never be found back again, never ever. just like sand? the harder u grasp it the more it will drop and return back to the ground. sometimes certain things are just meant to be and if it was never meant to be den it will never be. kinda funny cause ive realised certain things we can't really control it. as much as you tell yrself this thing, something inside you will always think the other way?
i've already learnt to accept the fact that nomatter how much effort you put in, if it's never meant to be yours it never will. Sometimes it does but well maybe not for me? Kinda accepted the fact that the more i study the more i cannot score? I dunno whyy.
maybe i should change my thinking to the MORE positive side okay. wHen life gives u LEMONS, sQUEEZE out a smile. okay. how posiTIVE is that. eeey. why liddat!!
*always look on the bright side of life doo du doo du du doo du du~*
haa. i miss mr tam. duno when he coming bac from aussie. wellx. maybe i don really miss 2e that much animore. i jus miss the friendships dere cause i treasure themm. ya and i realised that 3h really can do rawk okayy. let me recall the class cheer..
echo after me.. *echo after me* okay i donno liaox. ziqi has not taught me the cheer. i keep forgetting! wait wait wait! stilll gort 1 more i THINK. *Listen and Follow, as we LEAD, say our name as you PLEAD, hazadous hazadous...* fine fine. i forgot again.. i miss campfires.. i wanna go.. lol. *** i wanna SCREAMMMMM____
hAZADOUS! omg omg. lolx. i keep wearing the 3h class tee noww. when the weather so hot sumore. lolx. cause 3h rawks okayy. the bbq rawk although i left at 6. joke sia. i going for class bbq but leaving at 6. lol.
things that complete my life.. [girLguides][3h][bBaLL][arCade-BISHIBASHI][jigsawPUZZLES] wad else have i miss out? [campFIRES][scREAMING]
okayy. i shall fill up the list when i remember. LOLX.
why is this entry SO long? because i AM TIRED but i can't sleep. wait i can. i tell myself i can.
*i can learn to do it, we can learn to do it, tell myself is easy, we'll get through it..*
i realised something lehh. compared from my lastime the entries. now i look FOWARD instead of pressing on the rewind button.. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
guess that things that already happen also cannot do anything to save it mahh. so just LET IT BE!
-do u think im cut out to be an inspirational writer? finne. i noe thatt. also no need so straight one de right.. lol.
-CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL--written by h0neystars.
okay pure crap. hmm. i shall create my own title okay. h0neystars for kokocrunch lovers. OMG OMG! it RAWKS!
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
somehow i dunno la.. but i really wonder who really to trust- maybe im jus a girl who doesnt really make proper decisions. maybe one day i should learn to grow up and make my own decisions in life. There are many stuffs which well, i think that i can't think of an answer for it so i chose to avoid? Somehow i realised that avoiding doesnt solve the matter. hmm. many would choose to runaway from difficulties and i think im one of those?
runaway runaway runaway.. nothing can stop me today.. run away runaway..
i sometimes choose to believe in both but den must i really choose one? 1 right, 1 wrong OR both right or both wrong. 3 choices but u can only choose ONE. okay. prolly everyone thinks im talking crap right now. dee imposible.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005
wellx. duno why im feeling so down la.. suddenly damn depressed?
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005
hihi. here me. today is a long dayy. me writing this entry only at 5.38pm.
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005
yea it sunday noww. i woke up at 1.30pm todayy. i duno why. prolly nobody bothered to wake me up from dreammie land?
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005
forever love
才了 解自己,
有些痛苦有些 不公平
像微风深 情
偶尔阻碍我 们的前进
你感动的 眼睛,
ilove you ~~
forever love
forever love
forever love
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005
wow. seriously if my muscles aint aching is totally bullshyt. lalala~ today is very hiongg but suddenly feel abit acomplished. lol. i have been complaining leg pain eversince i got homee. i duno if the weather is hot or is it just ME? gort abit sunburn againn. lol. play bball also get sunburn. haish. long time nvr play le. me lazy lehh. *stop being so lazy* eeey.
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005
Leave the flavor of cigeratte behind the lips
That's a taste of sufferings and sorrow.
Where will your girl be?
And who will she be thinking of?
Although I will fall in love with someone else some day
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
I could only sing this sorrow love song at this moment
Until the day, I learn a new song.
How can I make it flow again?
Never let the memories fill up my heart.
I will still be weeping
Thinking of you
I have reserved a place in my heart for you
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
Now and forever you are still the one
I could only sing this sorrow love song at this moment
Until the day, I learn a new song.
You are always gonna be my love
Although I will fall in love with someone else some day
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
I could only sing this sorrow love song at this moment
Now and forever
Saigo no KISU wa
TABAKO no flavor ga shita
Ngakute setsunai kaori
Anata wa doki ni irun darou
Dare wo omotterun darou
Itsuka dareka to mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Atarashii uta utaeru made
Ugokidasou to shiteru
Wasuretakunai koto bakari
Watashi wa kitto naiteru
Anata wo omotterun darou
Itsumo anata dake no basho ga aru kara
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
Now and forever you are still the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Atarashii uta utaeru made
Itsuka dareka to mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005
always after watching shows i always have so much in me. yepp. was watching lavender grass at disc 7 le. later gonna watch disc 8 after the 9pm show? wellx. how much have i not started on my homework. utterly disappointed in myself.
ya so dere's deir promise..
click here to understand more on lavenders?
so here's my craze over this show.
雨 也跟着悲伤起来
雨 把眼泪落向大海
守着黑夜的阳光 难过却假装坚强
你的温柔是阳光 把我的未来填满
(风吹起花的香味就像你的爱)< /p>
today saturday liao. surely diaryland can add entry one la. refresh so many times.
haa. i think his song rawks? lol.. heard my mum bought his cd in china.. lol. for 3 bucks den got the logo sumore. haa. his songs quite nice ma.. really.
okay. well. i still cnt find the song. only found the flash for it.. dat's all.
Sunday, Jun. 12, 2005
okayy. here i am --- ultimate slacker. okay okay FINE. omg wad rubbish am i talking? yes i have been watch tv while doing guides stuffs almost the whole of saturdayy. oh wait. i did the zhou ji too okayy.