[ xh0neystarsx ]
-the sweeteststars in the universe-

`sAy iT isNt so `xXx

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

well. it was just that day did i watch another korean movie called crazy first love. act by the same guy in my sassy girl. yea that cute guy agn. ahhha.

okay and he looks kinda blurr. eeey. he's thost blur blur guy la. cant find any nice pics of him okay still finding.

okayy. maybe no much better. but really is his character in the two shows i watch so far which really shines la. haa.

釜 山 讀 書 的 SON Tae-il 在 校 內 幾 乎 已 被 公 認 是 個 無 可 救 藥 的 壞 學 生 。 可 是 他 的 出 位 行 徑 , 卻 使 他 成 為 同 學 間 的 風 頭 躉 。 某 天 他 在 釜 山 海 面 當 眾 向 青 梅 竹 馬 的 JOO Il-mae 示 愛 , 引 起 了 Il-mae 的 父 親 、 又 是 Tae-il 的 班 主 任 JOO Young-dal 注 意 。 為 人 父 母 總 不 願 兒 女 結 識 壞 份 子 , 故 此 Young-dal 不 讓 Tae-il 輕 易 接 近 Il-mae 。 他 要 Tae-il 這 個 在 全 韓 國 考 得 生 第 三 十 萬 名 的 壞 學 生 考 得 第 三 千 名 , 才 能 跟 Il-mae 發 展 下 去 。

    無 奈 天 意 弄 人 , 當 Tae-il 不 顧 兒 女 私 情 發 奮 讀 書 時 , Il-mae 卻 主 動 向 Tae-il 表 示 好 感 。 這 時 候 Tae-il 不 知 所 措 , 只 好 一 直 逃 避 。

    結 果 Tae-il 沒 有 白 費 氣 力 , 成 功 通 過 了 第 一 次 的 師 範 考 試 。 當 他 滿 心 歡 喜 地 向 Il-mae 展 開 追 求 , 這 回 卻 輪 到 Il-mae 逃 避 , 因 為 她 投 身 社 會 後 , 公 司 的 社 長 亦 追 求 她 , 並 憑 豐 厚 身 家 向 她 求 婚 。 Tae-il 得 悉 Ilmae 的 婚 訊 後 , 決 定 以 千 方 百 計 鏟 除 一 眾 情 敵 , 守 護 自 己 的 初 戀 情 人 … …

haa. slowly go read if u want. so what's crazy first love about?


why do i like it so much? wellx. at first when i watch it. din really like the startingg cause it was kinda very lame.

just this guy who is damn very smart but happens to fall for this girl which was his teacher's daughter. the 2 have been friends since young la so its kinda normal for the guy to fall for the girl. so its like the guy got over desperation and does not really bother about studyingg. so the teacher and the daugther decided on a plan such that if he studies very hard and get into a top college or something liddat then he can marry his daugther. then its like he got into college and wanna propose to the girl but then the teacher tell him. it's like he say can he dont marry away his daughter so early because his wife died early and he don't wanna be alone. so he promised his teacher that he wont touch her nor even kiss her until they get married and he kept his word. during this time the girl started to like the guy and everytime she tries to get close to him he would move away blah blah cause he wanna keep his promise towards his teacher la. then the girl became upset she dunno the real reason la. so she was pissed off with him erm smt liddat la then she got another boyfriend and he grew desperate.

then it's like later on in the show the girl told the guy that she cannot be with him as she treats him only as a brother and told him to something like dont bother her anymore cause she dont love him la. then later he was sad la den he went away and decided to listen to her words la.

then later while he left, the girl told her father that actually she love him but then she had the illness which took her mom away many years back. she did not have much time left to live and she knew that if she married him, he will end up like her father now, always looking at her mom's photo. her mom kinda died at high school. so she rejected him because she was afraid that he wont love another girl again and live such a desperate life alone. so its like she chose her now boyfriend and gonna get married, knowing that he was a flirt. because so that when she dies, her boyfriend wont be so sad and will remarry. however if she married the guy, she knew that he wont remarry and would spend all his time looking at her photo after her death.

okay its kinda complicated but hope u guys understand. ya so on the wedding day right. the expected thing happen la. he went to stop the marriage and explain to everyone blah blah blah. the typical endingg. haa.

what a sweet story rightt. hmmmmmm.

im re-watching my sassy girl. maybe next week i guess. i got 5 tests next week. congrats =)

good luck everyone else.



Saturday, August 13, 2005